viernes, 1 de junio de 2018

Why geometry in primary education?

First of all, we must reflect on the reasons for teaching geometry. Some teachers are based on the areas and volumes of bodies, for example. The teacher must be clear about why, and that will make more accurate decisions. 

One reason that all teachers have to take into account is that it is in our immediate environment, just look at it. In addition, it is used in everyday language: the street parallel to that, the spiral staircase. It also serves to study other topics in the mathematics, for example, a geometric model of the multiplication of numbers or algebraic expressions is the calculation of the area of the rectangle. Finally, it allows the student to develop his/her perception in space, his/her capacity for visualization and abstraction, his/her ability to elaborate conjectures about the geometric relationships in one figure or between several and his/her ability to argue when trying to validate the conjectures he makes.

In the next video we can see other reasons:

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